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Doe harvest registry

Doe harvest registry

  • 11/20/2024 1:47:00 PM
  • View Count 5393
Hunters interested in working with farmers to harvest additional does are encouraged to sign up with the Iowa Doe Harvest Registry. The Registry has been a resource that the Iowa DNR has offered to farmers since the mid-2000s, but is now easier to access.
Iowa Department of Natural Resources and the Iowa Donor Network launch new donor registry

Iowa Department of Natural Resources and the Iowa Donor Network launch new donor registry

  • 9/5/2019 8:07:00 AM
  • View Count 3321
DES MOINES, IA— The Iowa Department of Natural Resources and the Iowa Donor Network launched a new organ, eye, and tissue donor registry on Wednesday, September 4th. The new registry makes it possible for Iowans to register as organ, eye and tissue donors when obtaining a hunting, fishing or fur harvester license.