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Archive by tag: quailReturn
Pheasant survey results highest in eight years

Pheasant survey results highest in eight years

  • 8/29/2023 2:12:00 PM
  • View Count 15200
The 2023 August pheasant population survey had the highest statewide counts since 2015, with the biggest increases coming from southwest, northwest and northeast regions. The statewide average was nearly 23 birds per route; a 15 percent increase over 2022.
Quail hunter injured while on group hunt

Quail hunter injured while on group hunt

  • 11/6/2018 11:34:00 AM
  • View Count 3825
PAGE COUNTY, Iowa – Iowa DNR Conservation Officers are investigating a hunting incident involving a group of quail hunters in Page County on November 1.
Lake Shawtee becoming not-so-secret pheasant and quail hunting spot

Lake Shawtee becoming not-so-secret pheasant and quail hunting spot

  • 10/9/2018 1:04:00 PM
  • View Count 4972
Imogene, Iowa - A 1,200-acre grassland in northeast Fremont County has been hosting pheasant and quail hunters since the late 1980s. Positioned in southern Iowa’s quail belt, Lake Shawtee is in the region with the highest quail counts in the state, and that saw its pheasant counts rise to the second highest in a decade.
Iowa’s pheasant hunting season opens Oct 28

Iowa’s pheasant hunting season opens Oct 28

  • 10/24/2017 1:44:00 PM
  • View Count 31056
An estimated 50,000 blaze orange-clad hunters will dot Iowa’s countryside at 8 a.m. on Oct. 28, for the opening of Iowa’s 2017 pheasant hunting season.
6 cool facts about northern bobwhite quail

6 cool facts about northern bobwhite quail

  • 11/16/2016 11:23:00 AM
  • View Count 26574
Northern bobwhite quail were once staple gamebirds for Midwestern settlers, but changes in the Midwestern landscape threatened their populations throughout the 1900s. Read on to see how they’re doing today and get more closely acquainted with Iowa’s only quail: the bobwhite.
Quail on the rise in Iowa

Quail on the rise in Iowa

  • 10/13/2016 8:52:00 AM
  • View Count 25489
Loren Zaruba looked on in excitement—it was the wildlife identification section of the annual Youth Hunter Education Challenge. He and his wife, Ellen, had spent the last three months working with a handful of young competitors, so when the speaker played a familiar “bob-white” call, Loren beamed. But as the teenagers’ faces turned blank and unsure, he realized that question wasn’t easy anymore—hunter or not, none of the youngsters had seen or heard a bobwhite quail.
Iowa Pheasant Population Similar to 2015, Quail Highest in 27 Years

Iowa Pheasant Population Similar to 2015, Quail Highest in 27 Years

  • 8/30/2016 11:34:00 AM
  • View Count 54330
State officials covered more than 6,000 miles of county roads counting upland game during the first two weeks of August and after all the species were counted, data compiled and numbers crunched, what can Iowa pheasant hunters expect to find this fall?
Iowa Pheasant Harvest Highest Since 2009, Quail Highest Since 2007

Iowa Pheasant Harvest Highest Since 2009, Quail Highest Since 2007

  • 6/8/2016 9:58:00 AM
  • View Count 23004
Iowa’s estimated pheasant harvest continues its climb and for the fifth year in a row has been higher than the previous year. In 2015, more than 56,000 hunters harvested nearly 270,000 rooster pheasants in Iowa, which is an increased harvest of 24 percent over 2014 and the highest pheasant harvest since 2009.
Hunter Interest Growing Ahead of Iowa's Pheasant Season

Hunter Interest Growing Ahead of Iowa's Pheasant Season

  • 10/20/2015 8:07:00 AM
  • View Count 7278
Iowa’s eight year high in pheasant population is likely the reason that Todd Bogenschutz’s phone mail is filled with messages from hunters looking for more information ahead of the opening of pheasant season on Oct. 31.
Iowa's Pheasant Population Jumps 37 Percent; Quail Highest Count in 21 Years

Iowa's Pheasant Population Jumps 37 Percent; Quail Highest Count in 21 Years

  • 9/1/2015 12:00:00 PM
  • View Count 16283
Iowa’s pheasant population increased for the second year in a row to a statewide average of 24 birds, up 37 percent over 2014. This is the highest bird count since 2008 for most of the state, and in southeast Iowa, it’s the highest count in more than a decade.