Spring snow goose hunting season open through May 1 3/8/2022 1:40:00 PM View Count 5896 The snow goose migration is underway and with it, the opportunity for waterfowl hunters to participate in the special conservation order allowing hunting of light geese in Iowa through May 1.
Drought impacting Iowa’s shallow lakes and wetlands 8/25/2021 8:21:00 AM View Count 3091 Parkersburg, Iowa - With much of Iowa currently under drought conditions, many shallow lakes and wetlands will either be dry or nearly dry, making scouting an important part of hunter’s preparation ahead of the 2021 waterfowl season.
Goose Lake Wildlife Area has been a destination for Eastern Iowans for more than 70 years 7/13/2021 1:12:00 PM View Count 4037 Goose Lake, Iowa - Sitting on the west edge of the town of Goose Lake is a 1,300-acre public area that started as a soggy marsh that no one could tame but has become one of the more popular spots in the region, attracting visitors from Clinton, the Quad Cities and out of state.
Research project tracks movement, survival of urban Canada geese 1/12/2021 12:29:00 PM View Count 4014 A recently completed three-year study to better understand how Canada geese utilize metro Des Moines will be used to revise the Iowa Department of Natural Resources’ (DNR) Canada goose management plan.
8 cool things you should know about Canada geese 2/24/2020 2:12:00 PM View Count 183969 Canada geese can be seen all across Iowa. These big birds, who can be spotted flying in their well-known V formations, have some pretty interesting features. Check out these fun facts about Canada geese:
Remote and quiet, Willow Slough is a Mills County treasure 7/10/2018 2:11:00 PM View Count 7965 Willow Slough Wildlife Area is the solution to the problem of what to do with land too wet to farm.
Notes from Iowa’s outdoors 5/8/2018 11:57:00 AM View Count 8201 Iowa’s 2018 reported spring turkey harvest is approaching 9,300 birds. Last year, hunters reported nearly 11,800 turkeys. Iowa’s spring turkey hunting season ends May 20.
Hawkeye Wildlife Area refuge opens Dec. 19 12/8/2017 10:28:00 AM View Count 5175 The wildlife refuge at the Hawkeye Wildlife Area in Johnson County will be open for public use, including hunting and trapping, on Dec. 19.
Locked up and feet down, Iowa duck hunters are ready for opening day 9/19/2017 2:38:00 PM View Count 4638 Waterfowlers have waited all year for this: for the next three weekends in Iowa, there will be an opening day for duck and goose hunting. The north zone opens on Sept. 23, the south zone opens on Sept. 30 and the Missouri River zone opens on Oct. 7.
Refuge on Hawkeye Wildlife Area open for teal, special September Canada goose seasons 8/29/2017 1:12:00 PM View Count 4670 Swisher, Iowa - The wildlife refuge section of the Hawkeye Wildlife Area on the west side of the Coralville Reservoir will be open to hunting until Sept. 20, to allow hunters access to public hunting areas for the special September Canada goose season for the Iowa City and Cedar Rapids zone as well as for the experimental teal season.
Hunting seasons starting to close 1/3/2017 12:18:00 PM View Count 5010 Iowa’s pheasant, late muzzleloader and archery deer, and archery fall turkey seasons close on Jan. 10. Furbearer seasons, squirrel, quail, partridge and grouse remain open until Jan. 31.
Hawkeye Wildlife Refuge Open for Special Urban Canada Goose, Teal Season 9/3/2015 12:00:00 PM View Count 4756 The Cedar Rapids/Iowa City area participates each year in a special urban Canada goose season designed to reduce local populations of giant Canada geese before other subspecies of Canada geese migrate through Iowa in the fall. This year’s season is Sept. 5 – 13.
Four tips for calling geese 12/3/2014 10:00:00 AM View Count 6871 If you’re looking for ways to improve your goose calling before the season ends, check out these tips.