Check docks and equipment for invasive species before storing for the winter 10/8/2024 11:56:00 AM View Count 4793 The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) reminds lake property owners to check their boat and trailers, and docks and lifts, for aquatic invasive species before storing them for the winter.
Stay sober and alert on the water this July 4th weekend 6/25/2024 11:36:00 AM View Count 2788 DES MOINES - State, federal and local law enforcement agencies encourage all boaters to avoid alcohol and drugs this busy holiday weekend to ensure everyone’s safety on Iowa waters.
Help stop aquatic hitchhikers this Memorial Day weekend 5/14/2024 12:25:00 PM View Count 2253 The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) reminds all boaters and anglers to “Clean, Drain, and Dry” their boats and equipment this Memorial Day weekend to protect Iowa lakes and rivers from aquatic hitchhikers.
Check docks and equipment for invasive species before storing for the winter 10/10/2023 12:16:00 PM View Count 4435 The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) reminds lake property owners to check their boat and trailers, and docks and lifts, for aquatic invasive species before storing them for the winter.
Help prevent the spread of invasive aquatic plants around West Okoboji Lake 8/16/2023 7:23:00 AM View Count 2956 The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is asking for help to prevent the spread of Eurasian watermilfoil and brittle naiad around West Okoboji Lake.
Help stop aquatic hitchhikers this Fourth of July 6/20/2023 2:36:00 PM View Count 2975 The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) encourages all boaters and anglers to check for unwanted hitchhikers on their boats and equipment this Fourth of July to help protect Iowa lakes and streams.Aquatic invasive species move from one water body to another by hitchhiking on boats, in bait buckets and on other equipment used in the water. They can create serious problems for Iowa waters and negatively impact the quality of outdoor recreation experiences.“Aquatic invasive species can reduce native speci...
Operation Dry Water starts July 1 6/20/2023 2:33:00 PM View Count 4490 DES MOINES - A group of state, federal and local law enforcement agencies will partner to focus enforcement of Iowa’s boating while intoxicated law as part of the national Operation Dry Water campaign to draw public attention to the hazards of boating under the influence.
Help stop aquatic hitchhikers this Memorial Day weekend 5/16/2023 1:50:00 PM View Count 2247 The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) reminds all boaters and anglers to “Clean, Drain, and Dry” their boats and equipment this Memorial Day weekend to protect Iowa lakes and rivers from aquatic hitchhikers.
Help stop aquatic hitchhikers this Fourth of July 6/21/2022 1:02:00 PM View Count 3281 The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) encourages all boaters and anglers to check for unwanted hitchhikers on their boats and equipment this Fourth of July to help protect Iowa lakes and streams.
Operation Dry Water starts July 2 6/21/2022 12:51:00 PM View Count 5150 DES MOINES - A group of state, federal and local law enforcement agencies will partner to focus enforcement of Iowa’s boating while intoxicated law as part of the national Operation Dry Water campaign to draw public attention to the hazards of boating under the influence.
Help stop aquatic hitchhikers this Memorial Day weekend 5/17/2022 3:30:00 PM View Count 1558 The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) reminds all boaters and anglers to “Clean, Drain, and Dry” their boats and equipment this Memorial Day weekend to protect Iowa lakes and rivers from aquatic hitchhikers.
Help stop aquatic hitchhikers this Fourth of July 6/23/2021 7:01:00 AM View Count 1908 The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) encourages all boaters and anglers to check for unwanted hitchhikers on their boats and equipment this Fourth of July to help protect Iowa lakes and streams.
Help stop aquatic hitchhikers this Memorial Day weekend 5/18/2021 1:40:00 PM View Count 2021 The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) reminds all boaters and anglers to “Clean, Drain, and Dry” their boats and equipment this Memorial Day weekend to protect Iowa lakes and rivers from aquatic hitchhikers.
Five boating tips to keep waters clean all season long 4/27/2021 11:42:00 AM View Count 2629 Iowa boat owners can help to protect the environment by following five simple tips all summer long.
New Dry Run Creek watershed sign raises awareness of project in Black Hawk County 10/29/2020 1:26:00 PM View Count 3002 CEDAR FALLS — Travelers along University Avenue and County Road D-18 in western Black Hawk County may have noticed a new highway sign marking a feature they may not have realized existed before – a watershed.
Operation Dry Water 2020 nets 11 arrests 7/21/2020 12:46:00 PM View Count 5572 Operation Dry Water took place July 3-5, 2020 and focused eliminating boating under the influence (BUI). This year, in Iowa, 140 officers spent over 2,500 hours making contact with over 6,400 boaters on Iowa waterways.
DNR Conservation Officers on the lookout for intoxicated boat operators 7/2/2019 11:34:00 AM View Count 2919 DES MOINES - State, federal and local law enforcement agencies will be focusing on the boating while intoxicated law as part of the national Operation Dry Water campaign to draw public attention to the hazards of boating under the influence.
Help stop aquatic hitchhikers 5/15/2019 10:20:00 AM View Count 3243 The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) reminds all boaters and anglers to “Clean, Drain, and Dry” their boats and equipment this Memorial Day weekend to protect Iowa lakes and rivers from aquatic hitchhikers.
Water Summary Update: Dry July for parts of Iowa 8/9/2018 2:16:00 PM View Count 2778 DES MOINES — Parts of Iowa experienced a very dry July, with Des Moines receiving only 0.38 inches of rain for the entire month, according to the latest Water Summary Update.
2018 Operation Dry Water results in seven BWI arrests 7/24/2018 12:10:00 PM View Count 3358 The Iowa Department of Natural Resources conservation officers, park rangers, and seasonal water patrol officers, USFWS, and local county sheriff's deputies participated in the 2018 Operation Dry Water enforcement campaign June 29 through July 1.
Help stop aquatic hitchhikers this Fourth of July 6/19/2018 1:33:00 PM View Count 3447 The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is encouraging all boaters and anglers to check for unwanted hitchhikers on their boats and equipment this Fourth of July to help protect Iowa lakes and streams.
Help stop aquatic hitchhikers 5/15/2018 12:01:00 PM View Count 4825 The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) reminds all boaters and anglers to “Clean, Drain, and Dry” their boats and equipment this Memorial Day weekend to protect Iowa lakes and rivers from aquatic hitchhikers.
DNR tracks fish kill to dairy near Decorah 8/26/2017 8:35:00 AM View Count 3479 DECORAH - The Wednesday morning report of a fish kill about four miles southwest of Decorah sent DNR staff to investigate Dry Run Creek that afternoon.
Zebra mussels found in Carter Lake 8/15/2017 12:00:00 PM View Count 7680 The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is watching Carter Lake after juvenile zebra mussels were recently found in a water sample collected by Nebraska Game and Parks Commission (NGPC) staff. Although veligers were detected, intensive sampling the past week did not find any adult zebra mussels.
DNR completes Operation Dry Water campaign 7/11/2017 1:32:00 PM View Count 10297 DES MOINES, Iowa – The Iowa Department of Natural Resources Law Enforcement Bureau participated in the national Operation Dry Water campaign June 30 – July 2.
Iowa DNR law enforcement conducting special boating while intoxicated enforcement project 6/29/2017 10:50:00 AM View Count 15413 DES MOINES, Iowa -- As the Fourth of July holiday approaches, the Iowa DNR law enforcement officers will be focusing on keeping boaters safe by cracking down on boating under the influence. The DNR will be conducting heightened awareness and enforcement of boating under the influence laws as part of the national Operation Dry Water campaign in hopes to decrease the number of crashes and deaths.
Help stop aquatic hitchhikers this Fourth of July 6/20/2017 12:58:00 PM View Count 4100 The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is reminding boaters and anglers to check for unwanted hitchhikers on their boats and equipment this Fourth of July to help protect Iowa lakes and streams.
Operation Dry Water Highlights Boating Safety Heading Into Holiday Weekend 7/1/2016 9:24:00 AM View Count 4507 DES MOINES – More than 700 vessels containing more than 2,200 boaters were contacted as part of Operation Dry Water during the weekend of June 25-26.
Operation Dry Water Starts June 24 6/21/2016 1:20:00 PM View Count 61792 DES MOINES - A group of state, federal and local law enforcement agencies will partner to focus enforcement of Iowa’s boating while intoxicated law as part of the national Operation Dry Water campaign to draw public attention to the hazards of boating under the influence.
Boaters Urged to Help Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers 5/24/2016 1:32:00 PM View Count 7280 The Iowa DNR is encouraging all boaters and anglers to “Clean, Drain, and Dry” their boats and equipment this Memorial Day weekend to protect Iowa lakes and rivers from aquatic hitchhikers.