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Archive by tag: FontanelleReturn
Wastewater Bypass City of Fontanelle to Middle Nodaway River

Wastewater Bypass City of Fontanelle to Middle Nodaway River

  • 5/7/2024 1:24:00 PM
  • View Count 1706
ADAIR COUNTY—Heavy precipitation is causing a bypass of untreated wastewater from the City of Fontanelle. It is flowing from the lift station located at Washington and Main Streets in town to an unnamed tributary which runs over a mile before reaching the Middle Nodaway River.
Wastewater Bypass City of Fontanelle and Middle Nodaway River

Wastewater Bypass City of Fontanelle and Middle Nodaway River

  • 8/2/2023 2:18:00 PM
  • View Count 2882
ATLANTIC -- Heavy precipitation is causing a bypass of untreated wastewater from the City of Fontanelle. It is flowing from Washington and Main Street in town to an unnamed tributary which runs over a mile before reaching the Middle Nodaway River. The bypassing began at 2:51 a.m. The amount of the discharge is unknown at this time.