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Submitting a State Record Fish Entry

  • 8/8/2016 1:49:00 PM
  • View Count 4287
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If you believe you have caught an all-time state record fish in Iowa, follow these steps.

  • Look up the size of the current state record in the Iowa Fishing Regulations or on the DNR webpage to see if your fish is larger than the current record (or at least close). Your fish must exceed the weight of the current state record fish by one ounce or more.
  • Weigh your fish on a scale certified for trade (like at a grocery store, meat locker and some bait shops), preferably while it is still alive. The fish will start to lose weight the longer you keep it.  The DNR will not accept the weight of a frozen fish.  If you need to freeze the fish before you can get it weighed, you must thaw it out before you weigh it. The fish will be lighter after it is frozen and then thawed. A witness must attest to the weight of the fish to the nearest ounce.
  • Contact your local conservation officer or fisheries biologist. The fisheries biologist must examine and verify the fish.  If you cannot reach the biologist, the conservation officer will contact someone who can help. Contact information for the local conservation officers and fisheries biologist is listed on the DNR’s webpage.
  • Submit your record fish online through the Master Angler system.

Hook some great memories with family and friends this summer. Find more fishing tips at
