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DNR investigating fish kill near in Des Moines County

  • 8/4/2016 4:58:00 PM
  • View Count 3665
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YARMOUTH – A fish kill near the headwaters of Big Creek about a mile west of Yarmouth in Des Moines County resulted in less than a quarter of a mile of stream being impacted. 

The total number of fish killed was 130, which included green sunfish, bullheads, Johnny darters, minnows and white suckers. The fish were valued at $112. 

The cause of the fish kill was determined to have been from a landowner using a ground sprayer who disposed of the last 40 gallons of a fungicide near the creek. Recent rain caused the chemical to flow into the stream, causing the fish kill. 

It is believed that heavy vegetation along the path to the stream helped decrease the concentration of the chemical and reduced the length of the fish kill.

Water samples taken from the stream are still being analyzed. The Iowa Department of Natural Resources will consider what, if any, enforcement actions are appropriate and will seek restitution for the fish that were killed.
