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DNR Investigates Fish Kill in Southeast Iowa Near Mediapolis

  • 8/2/2016 9:19:00 AM
  • View Count 4189
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Mediapolis – The DNR is investigating a fish kill along approximately five to six miles of Cedar Fork Creek starting about four miles west of Mediapolis in Des Moines County.

The fish kill was reported Friday afternoon by a local resident. When DNR staff reached the site late Friday, they suspected the fish kill occurred earlier, possibly on Wednesday. The fish kill extended into a short stretch of Flint Creek.

DNR staff ruled out a manure or fertilizer spill as the source of pollution. They’ve collected water samples for laboratory analysis to determine the responsible chemical.

Fisheries staff found dead bass, catfish, sunfish, chubs, other fish and crayfish in the stream.

The Iowa Department of Agriculture will join the investigation on Tuesday.

The DNR will pursue enforcement action if the source of the chemical can be identified.

Anyone noticing a spill or fish kill in a stream should call the DNR’s 24-hour spill line at 515-725-8694 immediately. The earlier an incident is reported, the more quickly it can be stopped and the more likely the responsible party can be identified..
