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Accident Causes Fuel Spill in Urbandale

  • 4/20/2016 11:21:00 AM
  • View Count 4129
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URBANDALE – An estimated 60 gallons of diesel fuel spilled at 73rd Street and Hickman Road in Urbandale following an accident about 1:40 p.m. today.

The Urbandale Fire Department quickly responded after a car collided with a semi, causing a leak in the semi’s fuel tank. Although the fire department contained most of the leaked fuel, an unknown amount flowed into a storm sewer.

Booms, absorbent pads and a pool below the storm sewer collected most of the fuel but some escaped into a tributary of Walnut Creek before the fire department arrived. The fuel left a visible sheen on the tributary, which is expected to reach Walnut Creek and might reach the Raccoon River. 

The DNR responded to the incident and is monitoring cleanup by a local contractor. High flow levels in the creek and the fire department’s quick response are expected to minimize impacts to the creek.

However, the DNR recommends keeping children and pets away from the tributary for the next 48 hours. 
