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Wastewater discharge reaches Yeader Creek in Des Moines

  • 1/28/2025 2:05:00 PM
  • View Count 2100
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DES MOINES - The Iowa Department of Natural Resources is investigating a sewage discharge running into Yeader Creek in Polk County. 

The DNR Field Office in Des Moines was notified by the City of Des Moines of a sanitary sewer overflow near the Starbucks located at SE 14th Street and East Diehl Avenue in Des Moines.

Raw sewage was observed in the Starbucks parking lot entering a storm sewer which discharges into Yeader Creek. Yeader Creek runs from the upper end of Easter Lake to Fleur Drive near the Des Moines International Airport. 

Local authorities have responded to the scene. Allied Systems of Des Moines has responded and is conducting repairs and clean up activities.

Any downstream users should take caution and stay out of the creek. No dead fish have been observed at this time. The Iowa DNR will follow up with the city for further assessment.  

To report a release after hours, please call the DNR’s emergency spill line at (515) 725-8694. Quick reporting can help DNR staff identify the cause of an incident. The DNR website has more information about spill reporting requirements.
