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Trout coming to RAPP Park in Shenandoah this Saturday

  • 10/15/2024 1:22:00 PM
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SHENANDOAH - The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is partnering with Optimal Aquafeed and Page County Conservation Board to stock rainbow trout at 9 a.m., Oct. 19, in RAPP Park outside of Shenandoah.

Approximately 800 rainbow trout ranging from around 1- to 2-pounds, from Optimal Aquafeed will be stocked by the Iowa DNR in a small borrow pit on the RAPP Park property.

Anglers 16 years and older must have a valid fishing license and pay the trout fee to fish for or possess trout.  The daily limit is five trout per licensed angler with a possession limit of 10. 

Children age 15 or younger can fish for trout with a properly licensed adult, but they must limit their catch to one daily limit. The child can pay the trout fee which will allow them to catch their own limit of five trout.

This is the fourth year of this successful partnership that provides a unique fishing opportunity to anglers in southwest Iowa.
