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Iowa DNR & Ducks Unlimited to host an open house on the Spring Run Lily & Pleasant Lake Enhancements Project

  • 9/18/2024 7:31:00 AM
  • View Count 5139
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SPIRIT LAKE - The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and Ducks Unlimited will host an open house on Sept. 24th, from 3:30-5:30 p.m., at the Maser Monarch Lodge, 22785 Nature Center Road, Okoboji, to discuss the Lily and Pleasant Lake Enhancement Project and 2024 fall construction.

The project involves replacing the aging water control structure and outlet on Lily Lake and construction of a new improved rock outlet for Pleasant Lake. Lake outlet elevations will not be changed.

This will be a come-and-go open house with staff from various programs available to answer questions regarding the habitat management, recreational use, and other topics of interest for the Lily and Pleasant Lake Enhancement Project and area. 

If you have special requirements such as those related to mobility or hearing impairments, please contact the DNR or ADA Coordinator at 515-725-8200, Relay Iowa TTY Service 800-735-7942, or, and advise of specific needs.
