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Bowhunters encouraged to practice the ABCs of tree stand safety

  • 9/26/2023 12:58:00 PM
  • View Count 3819
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Tree stand incidents can happen to deer hunters regardless of skill level or experience and result in serious injury or even death. Unfortunately, in nearly every case, these incidents were preventable.

To help prevent injuries, the Iowa Department of Natural Resources is encouraging hunters to practice the ABC’s of Tree Stand Safety.

Always remove and inspect your equipment

Buckle on your full-body harness

Connect to the tree before your feet leave the ground

“Hunters should take tree stand safety seriously, every time you hunt from, hang, or move a tree stand. By performing these three simple steps and properly using a haul line, tree stand users can virtually eliminate their risk of falling to the ground as the majority of falls occur outside the stand,” said Jamie Cook, hunter education coordinator for the Iowa Department of Natural Resources.

“Hunters should also keep their phone on their person in case of emergency. We’ve had people get injured falling out of tree stands and their phone is in their backpack and not accessible to them. Always tell someone about your hunt plan. This includes where you're going and when you expect to return. Including GPS coordinates is an excellent example and would lessen the time taken to locate you if a search would be needed.”
