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Updated Air Quality Asbestos Notification Form Available for Use

  • 2/28/2023 1:44:00 PM
  • View Count 4057
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The form for Asbestos Notification of Demolition and Renovation (Form 542-1476) has been updated and should be used for paper submittals of asbestos notifications. The updated form can be found under the “Forms” heading on the DNR’s Asbestos webpage at . 

The “Courtesy” notification type has been removed from the form since there is not a requirement to submit courtesy notifications. Fields for including a job number (if available) and the email address of the individual signing the form have been added.

Similar updates were previously completed in the online Asbestos Notification System. The online system is the preferred method for submitting and paying for asbestos notifications and can be accessed from the link provided above. 

Please contact the asbestos helpdesk at or at 515-423-6415 with any questions.
