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Project this fall will repair a portion of Ingham Lake’s north shoreline

  • 10/28/2022 5:24:00 PM
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Work will begin this fall on a section of Ingham Lake’s north shoreline that, once completed, will reduce the amount of siltation entering the lake and provide protection to the road surface of the adjacent Ingham Lake Road. Drivers who use Ingham Lake Road may experience occasional disruptions at County Road A34 while the work is underway.

Contractors will be working on a quarter mile long section where wind and wave action has damaged the shoreline and road surface and exposed the roots systems of many of the large oak trees. Natural field stones will be placed in the eroded area. The field stone will absorb the wind and waves, protecting the shoreline, the road and the oaks.

The project will require a number of trees to be removed to access certain areas of the damaged shoreline. Many native trees will remain that will become part of a healthy oak savanna ecosystem along the lake. Once completed, the project will help with the long-term maintenance of Ingham Lake Road and provide improved fishing access along the road.

Work is expected to be completed by March.
