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Learn to Hunt program opens registration for upland bird hunting workshop and mentored hunt

  • 11/16/2021 2:30:00 PM
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DECORAH - The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is offering a program to teach skills needed to hunt upland birds to anyone who has little to no upland bird hunting experience. 

The December 17th workshop will feature a two hour knowledge and skills building sessions with instructors that will teach the safety basics of upland hunting and wingshooting.

“For those interested in the challenge of upland hunting as a means of sourcing their own protein or red meat, this program provides the opportunity to learn the skills and knowledge it takes to do it all yourself,” said Jamie Cook, program coordinator with the Iowa DNR. 

Participants will learn basic strategies for hunting upland birds such as proper equipment, where to hunt, safe shooting practices.

The course runs from 5PM to 6:30PM and is designed for participants 18 years of age and older.  The course is $35 and will be held at T-Bocks Bar and Grill in Decorah, IA.  The event also includes a mentored hunts on Saturday December 18th. Space is extremely  limited so be sure to register right away.  Participants will receive a hat and a lunch on Saturday provided by Pheasants Forever.

For more information and to begin the registration process please visit:

The program is provided through a partnership with the Iowa DNR and Pheasants Forever.  It is part of a national effort to recruit, retain and reactivate hunters due to the overall decline in hunting and outdoor recreation.
