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State Preserves Advisory Board to meet July 19

  • 7/13/2021 1:29:00 PM
  • View Count 1499
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The State Preserves Advisory Board of the Iowa Department of Natural Resources will meet at 1 p.m., July 19, in the second floor conference room in the DNR Water Supply office, Wallace State Office Building, 502 East Ninth Street, in Des Moines.

The meeting is open to the public. Any person attending the public meeting and has special requirements such as those related to mobility or hearing impairments should contact the DNR or ADA Coordinator at 515-725-8200, Relay Iowa TTY Service 800-735-7942, or, and advise of specific needs.

The public can listen to the meeting via Google Meet at or

by calling 224-858-0519 and entering the PIN of  ‪652 473 898, followed by the pound (#) sign.

Members of the State Preserves Advisory Board are Rebecca Kauten, Steve Gustafson, Amy Crouch, Rick Cerwick, Perry Thostenson and Barbara Schroeder. The deputy director of the DNR is Alex Moon.

The following is the July 19 agenda.

  • Approve agenda
  • Approve minutes of past meeting
  • Proposed Lamson Woods State Preserve management plan
  • Proposed White Pine Hollow State Preserve
  • Fort Atkinson State Preserve rehabilitation grant update
  • Open discussion

A more detailed agenda is available on the Iowa DNR’s website at
