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Wastewater release in Anita goes to Turkey Creek

  • 6/22/2021 8:00:00 AM
  • View Count 1400
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ANITA - Early Sunday morning the city of Atlantic helped Anita Municipal Utilities jet out a plugged wastewater pipe, and notified DNR of a wastewater discharge into a nearby creek.

Wastewater backed up into a golf course’s maintenance building and overflowed from a manhole into Turkey Creek, located northwest of the golf course south of White Pole Road.

The city of Atlantic removed the plug, stopping the discharge and the sewer backup into the building.

The amount of the discharge is unknown, but early estimates indicate a limited amount of wastewater reached the creek as the manhole was still intact.

DNR is monitoring the situation and seeking more information about the extent of the discharge.

The DNR will consider appropriate enforcement action.

Wastewater discharges due to mechanical problems must be reported to DNR within 24 hours. They can be reported by calling the 24-hour environmental hotline at 515-725-8694 or the local DNR field office during normal office hours.
