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Intro to Turkey Hunting workshop set for April 10

  • 3/30/2021 12:54:00 PM
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DeWitt - The Iowa Department of Natural Resources and Woods + Waters Project are holding an Intro to Turkey Hunting Workshop, April 10, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the Wapsi Valley Izaak Walton League, near DeWitt.

Participants will learn turkey biology and the history of the wild turkey in Iowa. Much of the workshop will be spent learning different turkey hunting methods, scouting tips and patterning a shotgun. Instructors will also cover care of the turkey after the harvest and after returning home.

“Participants will walk away with the basic knowledge needed to start hunting turkeys,” said Rachel Alliss, with hunter education and shooting sports at the Iowa DNR.

Lunch will be provided and the class will be outdoors as much as the weather permits. This is an active, skills-based event. Come prepared to get muddy, and dressed for the variable spring weather. The workshop is limited to 20 participants. The cost of the workshop is $50, and registration is available online at
