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Contracts up for Environmental Protection Commission’s approval

  • 3/4/2021 3:10:00 PM
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DES MOINES—Contracts and awards are up for the Environmental Protection Commission’s approval at the March 16 business meeting.

Commissioners will meet by video conference at 9:30 a.m. To join by video, connect with To join by phone, call 240-794-2779, and enter the PIN code of ‪934 190 235 followed by the pound (#) sign. The meeting is open to the public. There is no scheduled public participation. Written comments may be submitted up to one day before the meeting to Jerah Sheets at or to DNR, 502 E. Ninth St., Des Moines, IA 50319.

Up first, commissioners will be asked to approve the fourth quarter intended use plan update for the state revolving fund program. The state revolving fund provides low interest loans for drinking water and wastewater treatment projects.

DNR will ask commissioners to approve two recycling contracts for the Solid Waste Alternatives Program.

A contract to monitor 25 shallow lakes and provide chemical analyses to DNR is also up for approval. Monitoring information helps DNR evaluate the effectiveness of shallow lake restoration efforts.

Also up for commissioners’ approval, DNR will collaborate with the Department of Administrative Services to construct stormwater and erosion control practices at Terrace Hill, the Governor’s mansion. When completed, educational signage will help visitors learn how the stair-stepped gardens effectively improve water quality.

The complete agenda includes:

Approval of Agenda

Approval of the Minutes

Monthly Reports

Director’s Remarks

Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund – FY 2021 Intended Use Plan Fourth Quarter Update

Solid Waste Alternatives Program – Contract Recommendations

Contract with University of Iowa - SHL - Lakes

Memorandum of Understanding with Iowa Department of Administrative Services

Air Quality – Fiscal Year 2022 Draft Budget Review

PFAS Informational Presentation

Antidegradation Informational Presentation

General Discussion

  • Educational Tour Options for April
  • Personal Financial Disclosure Reporting

Items for Next Month’s Meeting

  • April 19–Educational Tour Hamilton/Hardin County
  • April 20–EPC Business Meeting
  • May 18–EPC Business Meeting

Find more information at

Commissioners include: Ralph Lents, Menlo, chair; Harold Hommes, Windsor Heights, vice chair; Bob Sinclair, Sigourney, Secretary; Rebecca Dostal, Traer; Stephanie Dykshorn, Ireton;  Amy Echard, Farmersburg; Lisa Gochenour, Logan; Rebecca Guinn, Bettendorf; and Howard Hill, Cambridge. Kayla Lyon is the DNR director. 
