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Iowa Outdoors Expo goes virtual

  • 8/25/2020 1:36:00 PM
  • View Count 2692
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The Iowa Outdoor Expo has gone virtual this year, and extended the opportunity to learn about the outdoors for the entire month of September.

Visit starting on Sept. 1 to view several family, friendly videos and resources to expand your skills and knowledge about recreating in Iowa's Great Outdoors! 

The virtual Outdoor Expo will have the same fun and informative villages as the in-person version like archery, bow fishing, camping, canoeing, fishing, kayaking, kids’ activities, outdoor cooking, shooting ports, wild animals, and more. Each village offers self-guided activities, how to videos and where to go to participate in various outdoor activities.

“We will also be offering several free virtual workshops all month long,” said Megan Wisecup, hunter education administrator for the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. “Be sure to sign your family up. You may discover a new skill or activity that you will end up enjoying for a lifetime.”

This event is co-coordinated by the Des Moines Chapter of the Izaak Walton League and the Iowa DNR.

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