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Updated Permit Template Available for Comment

  • 12/11/2015 7:24:00 AM
  • View Count 4184
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The Air Quality Construction Permit Section is proposing to update its construction permit template. The template is the basis for the final construction permits issued by the Air Quality Bureau. These updates are aimed at providing clarity in permit requirements and at the same time providing a permit that is shorter in length.

The proposed template includes recommendations from our recent dual LEAN events that included both permit applicants and DNR staff. For information on the dual LEAN events, please visit our Stakeholder Involvement website. The permit template has been rearranged and reformatted to conform to current practices and to highlight important requirements. Some sections were removed and others rewritten to improve readability for the permit holder.

A summary of the proposed changes include:

• Move general conditions to the back of the permit.
• Combining the Emission Limit table with the Compliance Demonstration table.
• Adding a table to the NSPS and NESHAP section.
• Combining the Operating Limits and Operating Condition Monitoring and Recordkeeping sections.
• Added contact person email address to the permit cover page.
• Removed the list of acronyms from the permit which will now be attached to the permit package cover letter.

The draft document is available for comment on the Air Quality Bureau’s Stakeholder Involvement website at . We are accepting comments on any of the proposed changes.

Please contact Chris Roling, Construction Permit Senior Engineer at (515) 725-9557 or with any questions or comments by January 4, 2016. DNR will consider any comments received on the proposed changes prior to finalizing the document. 
