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Air Quality permits under review

  • 1/23/2020 12:10:00 PM
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DES MOINES – The DNR Air Quality Bureau has the following draft permits up for review. The permits help protect Iowans’ health and air quality. DNR’s permitting staff review each permit application to ensure facilities comply with state and federal air quality requirements. We encourage public comments on draft permits, providing help on how to make effective comments. Submit written comments to the assigned permit writer before 4:30 p.m. on the last day of the comment period. DNR considers public comments before finalizing the permits.

Construction Permits
DNR engineers review and issue construction permits to facilities before they build new or modify existing sources of air pollution. The public may review the following air quality construction permits available online at

Scott County
Linwood Mining & Minerals Corporation – 401 E. Front St, Davenport.
Project No. 19-356 and 19-406, modification of 3 permits.

The proposed permitting action includes two projects.  Project 19-356 is for the modification of existing air construction permit 19-A-178 for Scale 3 Ingredients Bins (EP CC-17) to allow baghouse replacement, modify stack characteristics and remove emission units CC-17A and CC-17B from the equipment list. 

Project 19-356 also includes modification of existing permit 71-A-084-S11 to remove emission units CC-17A and CC-17B from the equipment list. 

Project 19-406 is for modification of existing permit 73-A-219-S7 to allow replacement of damaged stack, modify stack height and diameter.

The public comment period ends Feb. 22.  
