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DNR now accepting Derelict Building applications

  • 10/31/2019 2:58:00 PM
  • View Count 3148
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DES MOINES – The next round of funding for the 2020 Derelict Building Grant Program is open for applications through Feb. 20 at 4 p.m.

The grant program was instituted by state legislation to help rural communities with populations of 5,000 or less to deconstruct or renovate abandoned commercial and public structures.

The program emphasizes reuse and recycling of building items, helps improve street appearance and commercial development and alleviates the environmental concern these buildings can pose. Financial assistance includes asbestos removal, building deconstruction and renovation, and other environmental services.

Through the program, the city of Earlville completed asbestos removal and deconstruction of a former car dealership building in March 2019.  By using deconstruction practices, the contractor diverted more than 700 tons of concrete, steel and other metal and lumber from the landfill by separating the material by category, saving the city $31,500 in landfill disposal costs. Most of the concrete went to a local farmer for an erosion control project.

The city, along with local and regional partners completed a new Regional Transit Authority (RTA) hub. This facility will allow the RTA to provide accessible, safe, convenient and efficient transportation for all citizens in the cities, communities and rural areas of Delaware and Dubuque Counties.

Derelict Building Grant Program funding is awarded annually on a competitive basis. A committee from the Iowa DNR, Iowa Society of Solid Waste Operations, Iowa Recycling Association, Iowa Economic Development Authority and Keep Iowa Beautiful selects the projects for funding. For more information and to obtain an application on the Derelict Building Grant Program, contact Scott Flagg at 515-725-8318 or  
