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Ironing out the Details for Iowa EASY Air

  • 2/26/2019 10:50:00 AM
  • View Count 3083
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DNR technical staff have been working hard on the details for the new electronic system to submit air quality permit applications, Iowa EASY Air. Staff reviewed the Software Requirements and Software Configuration documents, which contain the specifics of how the new system will look and function. Next, staff will begin working on a plan to migrate facilities’ existing data from the State Permitting and Air Reporting System (SPARS) and the State and Local Emissions Inventory System (SLEIS) into the new system.

The online system aims to make application preparation and submittal easier. It’s also expected to improve customer service and speed DNR’s ability to issue permits.

As staff continues to work with the vendor, enfoTech & Consulting, look for updates on progress as well as more details for an upcoming informational meeting to be held April 11. Iowa EASY Air will be available online for use in December 2019.

Find out more about the project on the eAirServices webpage. Or, contact Project Manager Marnie Stein at or by calling 515-725-9555.
