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Sport the plates that support the resources

  • 2/20/2019 7:58:00 AM
  • View Count 4252
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Iowans can put their support for conservation on cruise control by purchasing a natural resources license plate when it’s time to renew their vehicle registration.

The sale of Iowa’s natural resources license plates provides financial support for the Wildlife Diversity Program in the Iowa Department of Natural Resources and the Resource Enhancement and Protection Program (REAP).

After the initial $45 fee, the $25 renewal fee will be added to the annual registration bill. Each year when the registration is renewed, $15 goes to the Wildlife Diversity Program and $10 goes to REAP.

Proceeds from the license plates are one of the few means of support for the Wildlife Diversity Program, responsible for protecting more than 1,000 fish and wildlife species in the state. Money from the license plates helps improve wildlife habit, restore native wildlife, helps support grassland and forest songbirds, rare amphibians and reptiles and provide opportunities for citizens to learn about our natural resources and much more.

REAP, the popular program that began in 1989, supports Iowa’s city, county and state parks, water quality improvements, wildlife habitat, and prairie and woodland restoration. REAP provides grants to county conservation boards, cities, the Iowa DNR, and for historical resources, soil and water enhancements and more.

Iowa has five license plate designs from which to choose: the American goldfinch and wild rose (state bird and flower); a pheasant; a bald eagle; a buck; and a brook trout. To make the switch, simply take the current license plates along with the registration to your county treasurer’s office and ask to buy the natural resources plates. Personalized plates are also available.
