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South Central field office moving to Des Moines

  • 12/24/2018 1:42:00 PM
  • View Count 2467
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After five years in Windsor Heights, DNR’s Field Office 5, serving 18 counties in south central Iowa, will move to Des Moines.

Find field office staff on the fourth floor of the Wallace Building at 502 E. Ninth St. Visitors can check in at the reception desk. Park in the free parking ramp on Grand and Pennsylvania avenues just west of the Wallace Building.

Staff phone numbers and emails will remain the same, including their main number, 515-725-0268, answered during normal business hours. For after hours, weekends and holidays, the 24-hour environmental emergency reporting number remains 515-725-8694.

The field office is one of six regional locations in DNR’s Field Services and Compliance Bureau. Field offices are local contacts for technical help in protecting Iowa’s air, land and water resources. “Coaching for compliance,” is the field staff approach to ensure industries, municipalities and citizens comply with Iowa’s environmental programs. 
