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Iowa Beyond BOW workshop set for Guthrie County February 8-10

  • 12/18/2018 1:16:00 PM
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Guthrie Center, Iowa - Registration is now open for the Feb. 8-10 Beyond BOW workshop in Guthrie County. The two-day, hands-on workshop headquartered at Springbrook State Park, near Guthrie Center, is an opportunity to learn to ice fish, winter survival skills, how to snowshoe and cross-country ski and more.

Evening sessions and overnight lodging will be at nearby Firefly Creek Ranch at 2345 Redwood Ave, Guthrie Center. The Iowa Department of Natural Resources and the Shelby and Pottawatomie County Conservation boards are partnering to offer this program.

Workshop fees include instruction/training, program materials and equipment, meals and lodging (if selected). Various workshop and lodging options are available. Registration is available at Attendees should plan to eat prior to arriving Friday.

Beyond Bow Agenda

Friday, Feb. 8

(Supper on your own)

6:00 Arrive at Firefly Creek Ranch - Welcome, Introductions

6:30 Create Nature Journals

7:30 Yoga

8:30 Campfire, Snacks/Warm Drinks, Storytelling... Indoor Campout


Saturday, Feb. 9

7:30 Breakfast

8:00 Prepare for the Adventure (Gear/Supplies)

8:30 Caravan to Springbrook State Park

9:00 Winter Survival (Fire/Shelter/Water/First Aid)

12:00 Lunch/Warm up

1:00 Ice Fishing (or GPS/Earth Cache)

3:00 Break/Snack/Warm Drinks

3:30 Cross-country Skiing/Snowshoeing (Atlatl/Archery)

5:30 Head to Firefly Creek Ranch (Where group collaborates to prepare healthy meal)

6:30 Supper

7:00 Essential Oils or Hiking Sticks

8:00 Stargazing/Mysteries of the Night Sky

8:30 Group Builds Fire, Snacks/Warm Drinks/Mythology... Journaling/Sharing/Music Indoor Campout


Sunday, Feb. 10

7:30 Breakfast

8:00 Optional Spiritual Gathering

8:30 Prepare for the Adventure (Gear/Supplies)

9:00 Return to Springbrook

9:30 Nature Photography

10:30 Ski/Snowshoe/Hike

12:00 Lunch

12:30 Wrap up


Participants will need to a valid fishing license for the ice fishing course before the workshop.

Beyond BOW is a continuation of the popular Becoming and Outdoors Woman (BOW) workshop that focuses on teaching outdoor skills to women 18 years or older. However, the workshop is open to anyone, regardless of gender.
