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Dairy Runoff Reaches Stream In Clinton County

  • 11/4/2015 9:41:00 AM
  • View Count 4761
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CHARLOTTE – At 10 a.m. Wednesday, the DNR received a complaint of manure runoff reaching an unnamed stream about two miles north of Charlotte in Clinton County.

DNR investigators traced the runoff to an overflow from the sand settling structure at D and D Dairy, a small confinement.

An unknown amount of manure runoff reached the creek during recent rainfalls. The dairy is rebuilding a levee around the sand storage area, building a second levee to contain any overflow and pumping manure effluent from the stream.

The DNR did not find any dead fish, but found water quality violations in the stream.

DNR will continue to monitor clean up and levee repairs, and will seek appropriate enforcement action.
