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No Air Quality Fee Changes for Upcoming Fiscal Year

  • 6/8/2018 3:11:00 PM
  • View Count 3561
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There will be no changes in Air Quality Bureau fees for 2019 fiscal year, which begins on July 1, 2018 and ends on June 30, 2019. Fees are assessed for asbestos demolition notifications; asbestos renovation notifications; applications for new source review construction permits; applications for initial and renewal Title V operating permits, and Title V emissions.  

More information on air quality fees is at The website provides answers to frequently asked questions, links to the administrative rules (567 Iowa Administrative Code Chapter 30), and the fee schedule.

The Bureau has determined the current revenue is sufficient to continue to provide the existing services.  “We have made and implemented many difficult choices over the last couple of years that have resulted in reduced costs while at the same time continuing to protect air quality across the state.  The changes have included a relocation of the bureau offices, reductions in staffing, status quo budgets for organizations that provide services to DNR, and reductions in the size of the air monitoring network” said Catharine Fitzsimmons, Air Quality Bureau Chief.  For questions please contact Jim McGraw at or at 515-725-9543.
