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eMMP rolled out and questions roll in

  • 4/16/2018 8:47:00 AM
  • View Count 3193
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The new electronic manure management plan application or eMMP rolled out March 23 when personal identification number (PIN) letters were mailed to one owner of each confinement facility needing an MMP.

During the first two weeks, it’s proved very popular with producers. According to the numbers:

  • 152 new State of Iowa login IDs were created.
  • 94 plans were submitted and paid for online.

DNR field offices have been answering a few questions and helping people with the process. Go to DNR’s eMMP page for a new fact sheet eMMP FAQs to answer the following questions:

  1. I’ve tried, but I can’t submit my manure management plan online. Why not?
  2. When I try to submit my MMP, I get the “Not Applicable” message. What’s wrong?
  3. I did not receive a PIN letter. Why not?

Reminder: You can save time, money and miles by using the eMMP. 
