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November 7 SGP Workshop: RCRA Generator Improvements Rule, EPA Fines Determination & Supplemental Environmental Projects

  • 10/9/2017 1:53:00 PM
  • View Count 3669
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Join us at the Iowa Strategic Goals Program (ISGP) 1-day workshop on November 7, 2017, where regulators would provide hints and tips to help you better understand what is required of your business! This workshop will provide the opportunity to meet with regulators and industry experts in a small setting where questions are welcome!

JOIN US at the Iowa Strategic Goals Program 1-day workshop on November 7, 2017!  In the morning, attendees will hear from EPA Region 7 compliance officers about the changes to the Resource Conservation & Recovery Act (RCRA) through the Hazardous Waste Generator Improvements Rule which took effect on May 30, 2017.  In the afternoon EPA will lead us through an activity that will illustrate how EPA determines penalties. Finally, EPA and DNR will discuss the pros and cons of Supplemental Environmental Projects.

When: November 7, 2017

Where:   Courtyard by Marriott
Located off of Interstate 35 Exit 90
2405 SE Creekview Drive,
Ankeny, IA 50021

Time: 9:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.

Cost: $40 (includes lunch)


A workshop flyer, an agenda, registration form and map can be accessed at Pollution Prevention Workshops.

This workshop is the twenty-first in a series offered by the Iowa Strategic Goals Program. The workshop is open to all Iowa manufacturers and the materials presented will apply to a broad range of industrial processes.

REMINDER: You can access the presentations from previous workshops by clicking on Pollution Prevention Workshops.
