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DNR Communications Team wins three Social Media Club Des Moines Hashie Awards

  • 8/24/2017 10:55:00 AM
  • View Count 3877
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DES MOINES, Iowa – The Iowa Department of Natural Resources Communication Team, which oversees the DNR’s social media sites, received three Hashie Awards from Social Media Club Des Moines on Wednesday, August 23 at a reception at Jasper Winery.

The DNR was awarded first place finishes for Best Social Media Customer Service and Best Overall Social Media Presence. Jessie Brown, DNR Social Media Manager, was named Social Media Professional of the Year – Gold level.

“Receiving these awards is a tremendous honor and speaks volumes to the great work that our Communications Team and entire DNR staff statewide does to make our social media sites a top priority and a great avenue to connect with our audience,” said Alex Murphy, DNR Director of Communications. “A big congratulations to Jessie Brown who spends a great deal of time managing our nearly half-dozen social media sites daily by creating interactive and engaging posts.  It’s an important task and Jessie has a great passion for our outreach efforts. We thank all of our followers that value our social media presence daily.”

Across social media platforms, the DNR has nearly 145,000 followers. On average each week, the content on DNR social media sites is seen 1.8 million times by more than 1 million people.

This is the fourth annual Hashie Awards presented by the Social Media Club Des Moines. All entries are judged by social media professionals across the nation and globe.

DNR has also won Hashie awards in 2015 and 2016.

Be sure to follow the DNR on social media.
