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DNR holding public hearings on updates to wasteload allocation procedure document and E. coli water quality standards

  • 8/3/2017 3:29:00 PM
  • View Count 3455
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DES MOINES – The DNR is holding public hearings across the state to gather input on proposed updates to surface water quality standards. 

The proposed rule aims to clarify and update procedures for technical methodologies used by the DNR to develop wastewater discharge permit limits to meet water quality criteria. The revision would also provide more flexibility for facilities seeking to use alternative permitting options. 

In addition, the proposed rule would update water quality criteria for E. coli by eliminating the existing single sample maximum value. The DNR has determined that the single sample maximum value is not an appropriate tool for water quality assessment and permitting purposes. The geometric mean E. coli value will be retained as it is the more appropriate measure and is protective of recreational activity in Iowa’s waters. 

The DNR will host three public hearings throughout Iowa to hear comments on this rule proposal. Any interested person is welcome to attend. Meetings will be held as follows, listed by town: 

Washington: Sept. 5, 4 p.m., State Bank Room, Washington Public Library, 115 West Washington St. 

Urbandale: Sept. 6, 4 p.m., Meeting Room B, Urbandale Public Library, 3520 86th St. 

Harlan: Sept. 7, 4 p.m., Harlan Community Library, 718 Court Street 

People may make oral or written comments at any of the public hearings. Written comments will also be accepted through Sept. 8. Send written comments to: Matthew Dvorak, Iowa Department of Natural Resources, 502 E. Ninth St., Des Moines, IA 50319-0034; or by e-mail to

To view documents associated with this rulemaking, refer to links posted at the bottom of the DNR’s wasteload allocation web page at
