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Avenson Archery Range Dedicated Today

  • 7/18/2017 3:00:00 PM
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The archery range at Volga River State Recreation Area, in Fayette County, will be dedicated Avenson Archery Range July 18, at 4 p.m.

Don Avenson, for whom the range is named, lived a short distance from the Volga River area and was instrumental in protecting it as a state recreation area. 

From 1972-1990, Avenson served as a member of the Iowa Legislature in the House of Representatives. During this time, Avenson’s primary political focus was on environmental legislation and among his most noteworthy achievements were the Resource Enhancement and Protection (REAP) program, one of the most comprehensive conservation programs in Iowa, and the Groundwater Protection Act.

Don Avenson, 72, died May 19.

“Because of Don's significant accomplishments in protecting Iowa's natural resources and the fact he was an avid bow hunter and archer, we felt it fitting that the range should be named in his honor,” says Chuck Gipp, director of the Iowa DNR.

Through the partnership of the local Echo Valley Archers and Volga River State Recreation Area, the area has become known for its archery opportunities. Together they play host the annual Reinhart Target R100 – a national 3D archery event, drawing more than 600 archers each year.

The archery range is located west of the Albany Campgound off Hill Road. Refreshments are provided by Echo Valley Archers. The event is open to the public.
