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November 10 SGP workshop on Financial & Technical Assistance Programs and Common RCRA Mistakes

  • 10/27/2015 4:31:00 AM
  • View Count 4105
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Join us at the Iowa Strategic Goals Program 1-day workshop on November 10, 2015! In the morning, attendees will hear from an EPA Region 7 enforcement officer about common Resource Conservation & Recovery Act (RCRA) violations and how to avoid them. In the afternoon we’ll hear from several state programs that can provide financial and technical assistance to businesses trying to reduce their hazardous, special or solid waste generation. These programs have helped Iowa businesses save money, and reduce their waste generation and impacts on the environment.

A workshop flyer, agenda, registration form and a map identifying the location of the hotel are attached and can be accessed online or by going to and click on “Workshops”.

When: November 10, 2015
Where: Courtyard by Marriott
Located off of Interstate 35 Exit 90
2405 SE Creekview Drive
Ankeny, IA 50021
Time: 9:00 A.M. to 3:20 P.M.
Cost: $40 per person

This workshop is the eighteenth in a series offered by the Iowa Strategic Goals Program (ISGP). The workshop is open to all Iowa manufacturers and the materials presented will apply to a broad range of industrial processes.

REMINDER: You can access the presentations from previous workshops by clinking on Pollution Prevention Workshops.
