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Mount Vernon archer scores first perfect round in national 3D target competition

  • 6/20/2017 1:02:00 PM
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Logan Kelly, (center) from Mount Vernon, scored the first perfect round in a national 3D archery competition. Kelly is joined by Bryan Marcum, IBO president (left) and Ryan Bass, with the IBO 3D Challenge (right).

Iowa’s Logan Kelly has become the first archer to shoot a perfect score in 3D competition when he shot a 300 on June 17 at the International Bowhunters Organization Midwest Invitational National Archery in the Schools Program 3D Challenge tournament, in Bloomington, Ind.

Image: Logan Kelly, (center) from Mount Vernon, scored the first perfect round in a national 3D archery competition. Kelly is joined by Bryan Marcum, IBO president (left) and Ryan Bass, with the IBO 3D Challenge (right).

This national 3D competition is made up of six animal silhouette targets set broadside at various distances between 10 and 15 meters. The 10 point ring is about the size of an adult fist. Each archer shoots five arrows per target scoring up to 50 points. To score 300, the archer must hit the center ring with all 30 arrows.

Another challenge – archers may not use a trigger release or sight marks.  

“You have to aim with the tip of the arrow,” Kelly said. “It’s pretty hard.”

Kelly said he started out strong but when he got to the fifth target his nerves had kicked in. “I told myself to calm down,” he said. 

When the judge scored his sixth and final target as all 10s, the celebration began.

“Everyone got excited,” Kelly said.  

His score was announced soon after and he had his photo taken with the scorecard. After the competition was complete, Kelly had a special recognition at the end of the awards ceremony, where he was presented a commemorative First 300 patch, targets, and a family membership to the International Bowhunters Organization.

Kelly, who is entering his sophomore year at Mount Vernon High School, will compete against 5,000 other archers in the world championship July 20-22, in Orlando, Fla.

“If I keep up my average, I should do well,” Kelly said. “I’ll see if I can bring a world title to Iowa this year.” 
