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Council Bluffs OHV Park to reopen April 1

  • 3/21/2017 11:57:00 AM
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River Valley Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Park in Council Bluffs is scheduled to reopen for riding Saturday, April 1.

The park was closed due to safety concerns over flood-damaged trees. Loggers recently completed work removing potentially hazardous trees and trails are now re-established.

“We are very excited to get the park open again,” says DNR Park Ranger Aaron Johnson. “Weather-related events could cause us to remain temporarily closed, but otherwise we are good to go.”

More than 80 volunteers recently helped with final clean-up and preparation for opening.

“Some trails are still a little rough due to some ruts left from the logging operation,” says Johnson, “But most of the trails that existed prior to logging have been reopened.”

Due to safety concerns and to sustain the work recently completed, Johnson reminds that riders cannot go off trail or make new trails. 

River Valley is open to ATV, off-road motorcycles and side-by-sides that are 65 inches in width or less.

Riders must have their machines registered with their county recorder's office or with an ELSI vendor for nonresident user permits. ELSI vendors can be found where hunting and fishing licenses are sold.

Riders who are ages 12 through 17 are required to have a valid ATV education certificate in their possession. Operators of side-by-sides must possess a valid driver’s license.

For more information about park rules, go to
