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Title V Workgroups January 17-18 and January 19-20

  • 12/19/2016 10:21:00 AM
  • View Count 3290
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Would you be willing to offer 2 days (or 4) to help us? If you have a permit under the federal Title V program, we want your input!  There are two complex areas where the DNR is asking for input from stakeholders. Two workgroups to will be held to address these areas:

January 17-18, 2017- Establishing procedures for offering optional “pre” meetings to provide hands-on assistance with the applications and speed up permit issuance. 

January 19-20, 2017– Simplifying the Title V application forms to reduce unnecessary or duplicative information requested in the application.

The DNR Air Quality Bureau is dedicated to continually improving our permitting process. In October 2016 the Title V Operating Permit Section held a process improvement event to increase efficiency and ensure we are providing industries the best possible service. 

Participants in the event identified six new ways to improve the way we do our job and several changes were implemented immediately. Additional information on the results of this event can be found on our website at under Workgroups. 


The January 2017 workgroups will consist of a diverse group of up to fifteen participants. If you are interested in participating in either one or both workgroups or for additional information, contact Lori Hanson at (515) 725-9525 or
