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Diesel fuel contained after truck accident near Des Moines

  • 11/8/2016 8:29:00 AM
  • View Count 3899
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JOHNSTON – The DNR investigated a leak from a semi-truck after it went off the road into Beaver Creek late Monday morning at the intersection of the I-80 west-bound exit ramp and Merle Hay Road in Johnston.

Owned by TDR Transport out of Yorkville, Ill., the truck began leaking diesel fuel into the creek, leaving a sheen on the water. Des Moines Haz-Mat placed a boom with absorbent pads across the creek about one mile downstream of the accident and about 0.25 miles upstream of where the creek empties into the Des Moines River.

DNR staff did not see any sheen or other evidence that the diesel fuel had traveled downstream below the boom.

Polk County Emergency Management called Hydro-Klean to place another boom across the creek just below the accident site. The trucking company is completing the cleanup.

DNR will continue to monitor the cleanup and consider appropriate enforcement action.
