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DNR investigates manure spill in Marion County

  • 11/5/2016 9:58:00 AM
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OTLEY – The DNR investigated a manure spill today that reached Van Zante Creek about two miles north of Otley in Marion County.

The spill occurred Nov. 3 when a hose connection failed during manure application. Michael Keller, Spring Valley Resource Management in Oskaloosa, immediately shut off the pump and built a temporary dam to hold the spill. Despite these efforts, an unknown amount of manure reached the creek.

The manure came from a hog confinement, Standard Nutrition Site 4.

Keller reported the spill Nov. 4. DNR staff who inspected the site did not see any dead fish in the creek. Field tests where the manure entered the stream showed ammonia levels within normal range. 

The DNR will continue to monitor cleanup and consider appropriate enforcement action. 
